Want Better Sleep? Here’s Help!

sleep remedies

I’m finding more and more information about the relationship between sleep and overall health. According to experts on the subject, people who sleep well live longer, live better, and have fewer chronic diseases.

So what do you do if, like me, you find yourself wide awake at 3 am more often than you’d like?

Get on a schedule

The general consensus is you should go to sleep at the same time each night and wake up at the same time in the morning (including your days off). Sleep experts seem to agree that 10 pm is the sleep “sweet spot.” Apparently, that’s because our bodies produce melatonin between 10 pm and 2 am, and we need melatonin to relax and get to sleep. Most of us need seven or eight hours of quality sleep each night.

Go into sleep mode

If you’re involved in some kind of stimulating activity just before 10 pm, chances are slim you’ll be sleeping during those prime melatonin-producing hours. So instead of watching TV, having a heated debate with a family member, or getting some work (or homework) done after 9 pm, try something relaxing instead. Doing a bit of restorative yoga, listening to calming music, and meditating are good things to try.

Sleep in the dark

This may seem obvious, but many of us do not do it. In order for your body to create melatonin, you need to sleep in as near to pitch black darkness as possible. That means the light from streetlights streaming through windows, glowing clocks, cell phones and nightlights or a television kept on while you’re trying to get to sleep no-nos.

And it’s not just while you’re trying to fall asleep that you’ll need darkness if you want to sleep well. You’ll need it for at least two hours before you fall asleep.

Of course, if you’re like most people, turning the TV or computer off before bed is not going to happen every night. But it turns out if you’re stubborn about flipping the TV off early, there are a couple of ways around it.

If you’re going to watch TV or surf  the net at night, wear sunglasses while you do it.  I learned this seemingly odd tip from the Dr. Oz Show, tried it the next night, and to my pleasant surprise it actually did help! According to Dr. Oz, the sunglass remedy works because certain dark lenses block out the blue light that prevents the body from producing melatonin.

Wear a sleep mask. (It’s a lot more comfortable than trying to sleep with your sunglasses on.) This may be the single best thing I ever added to my sleep routine. Credit for this tip goes to my brother!

Get help from herbs

Herbs like chamomile and valerian root can also help improve sleep. You can take them in capsule form or drink a cup of tea containing calming herbal ingredients before you go to bed. (If you drink tea, brew it well and drink only a few ounces so you won’t wake up to go to the bathroom!) When I’m feeling sleep deprived or worried I’m going to have a restless night, I take valerian root capsules to help me stay relaxed.

Try aromatherapy

Aromatherapy works wonders for sleep-challenged folks. This simple practice is my favorite trick for getting a better night’s sleep. I’m in awe of the tools nature has provided in the essential oils of plants.

Science has shown the aromas from essential oils have many remarkable properties. Oils that can calm the mind, relax the body, and promote sleep include lavender and ylang ylang, as well as blends created just for sleep.

You can use aromatherapy oils in a diffuser that fills your bedroom with the scent through the night, or, if you don’t have a diffuser, simply dab some oil on a piece of cotton or even inside the rim of your lower nostrils.

Sweet dreams!

I’ve tried all these remedies, and they work for me most of the time (which is great, considering at one point I was lucky if I slept through the night once a week).

If you have trouble sleeping and these or other natural solutions don’t work for you, it might be worth visiting your doctor to see if you have a more serious sleep disorder.

Maria is a health and wellness writer and certified yoga instructor with a background in education, psychology, and nutrition. She has written hundreds of pages of content for clients in health-related fields, particularly those specializing in yoga, natural medicine, nutrition, psychology, and spiritual health and healing. She is also the author of "Yoga Circles, a Guide for Creating Community of the Mat." In addition to writing, Maria has worked as a nutritionist, teacher, and technical/nonfiction editor. To learn more about her writing, visit www.wellbeingwriter.net.